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Complete Gold dredging operation on North Fork of FortyMile river in Alaska

Jack#1 and Sassy Kat 1 have been very good claims for me. Although I have spent several summers just working these claims the gold was still very good and I beleive that a large part of the claims haven't been touched.
Based on my testing and from talking to some old timers I beleive Dancy 1 has had a 10 inch up the middle but the shallow water seems to be very good. In my testing back in 2021 we averaged around 2 grams per hour on this claim.
The bottom third of Dancy 2 seems to have been heavly worked but the top half (based on my sampling) seems to have had little to no dredging done.
Dancy 3 thru Dancy 8 are new to me. In 2024 (My first year on these claims) I did no prospecting before I picked a random spot to dredge in 2024. The results for 2024 are below in the pictures. Based on conversations with previous owners and per second hand conversations I have found these claims did 48 oz for half a season in 2022, 70-80 oz year from 2012 thru 2015 and in 1989 (I have video confirming this) these claims produced over 250 oz in a single season. Based on info I gathered at the end of the season I beleive there are still large sections of these six claims that still haven't been touched.

You can check out the status and location of the claims at the Alaska Mapper site:

Claim Names_____Claim numbers
Sassy Kat I ______ADL: 662301
Jack #1 _________ADL: 718320
Dancy 1_________ADL: 730327
Dancy 2_________ADL: 730328
Dancy 3_________ADL: 801300
Dancy 4_________ADL: 801301
Dancy 5_________ADL: 801302
Dancy 6_________ADL: 801303
Dancy 7_________ADL: 801304
Dancy 8_________ADL: 801305

Click HERE to see movie showing claims Dancy3 thru Dancy 6.
Movie starts at Dancy 3 and goes up river

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Click HERE to see movie showing claims Dancy7 thru Dancy 8.
These claims have the fastest and deepest water of all of my claims.
Movie starts as Dancy 8 then goes down river to Dancy 7

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Click HERE to see me dredging on Dancy1 in 2021 with 8 inch.

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Click HERE to see riding past Dancy 6 and Dancy 5 with a view of possible source creek "Hilda"

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Click HERE to see me driving past possible camp site on Dancy 7

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Total from 2024 working 3-4 hrs per day, 4-5 day per week, for about 5 weeks using 6 inch

Dredging Sassy Kat 1 in 2021.
This claim has a large amount of very fine gold
I have done very little with this claim.

Nearly everyone on the river uses Hovercraft to get to their claims

Marking claims in 2014

Sampling Jack #1 in 2018

Testing Dancy 2 in 2024