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Gold dredging operation on North Fork of FortyMile river in Alaska

Would you like to go Dredging for Gold in Alaska in 2025 ? (And do it for a fraction of the cost of financing this kind of trip by yourself)

I'm getting a bit to old to do everything myself and this is why I'm looking for 2 helpers.
I have 10 claims near Chicken Alaska on the 40 mile river (2-1/2 miles of river).
These claims have in the past regularly produced anywhere between 1/8oz and 1oz per day (8hr day).
The new claims I just acquired have produced many hundreds of oz. of gold since 1989 thru today.
These are "extremely" remote claims that can only be regularly accessed by hovercraft.
I use a hovercraft to bring in and haul out "everything" that is needed for the season.
The food, that I will supply, will need to be discussed so that I don't get something you won't/can't eat.
I will transport you up and down the river as needed and provide the dredge(s) and fuel needed.
Transport on the river is by hovercraft. Because of this I am VERY weight sensitive.(Contact me to discuss)
Each helper will receive 25% of the box before expenses.
Also, since 2025 is likely the last season for me to be mining, the current helpers will be first in line for a chance to buy the entire operation.

The following list is in no particular order.
The more of these you have the better your chances of being invited north this summer :
1) Able to deal with the extreme remoteness (No TV, radio, phone, internet and very limited electricity).
Because of weight limits of the hovercraft a camera and/or a camera on a phone are the only electronics likely needed when on the river.
2) You will need to have some dredging experience - 6" or larger preferred. (I don't have time or desire to teach you how to dredge)
3) (This one is required for you to be considered) Able to get yourself to, and from, Chicken Alaska.
- Note: A Passport is required when driving thru Canada.
- I don't pick up or deliver people to the air port. FYI: If you rent a truck, the rental contracts 'specifically' exclude use of a rented truck on the Taylor high way.
- See me for more details.
4) If possible, I would like to spend time in person with you before leaving. (No one wants to spend 3 months with someone they can't get along with or trust)
5) "Some" of the suggested items you'll need to bring: a tent for yourself, wet suit (7 mil two piece farmer Jon suggested), hood, dive boots, dive gloves, dive mask, regulator, appropiate clothes, sleeping bags. Contact me for a more complete list.
- Once you get to Chicken the food, mining equipment, and fuel, will be supplied.(See me for details about where you would be staying when in Chicken)
6) I would greatly prefer someone who can spend the entire summer.
I generally leave around: mid May and normally get home by: 'very' early Sept or late Aug but, will consider breaking summer into (two) 7 week sessions with a different helper for each session.
7) Although I generally use two people to lift and carry the heaver items, there could be a time when you may need to lift and walk a short distance while carrying engines, fuel and/or supplies (Normally between but not over 20-80lbs).
8.) Some electrical and/or mechanical ability would be nice as well as knowledge of how a dredge works.
9) Dive experience and Dredging experience IS required. (I'm not going to do any training except for things that are unique to this river).
- Water is 2-4 feet deep on average with over burden between 1 and 4 foot on average with a river current between 1 and 9 knots depending on where you are in the river.
10) Able to follow instructions without drama.(I hate drama)
11) If we are off river you'll be responsible for your own place to stay. (See me as this requires a much longer explanation)

This is by no means even close to, or a complete list of, what to expect or what to bring or even how this will all work.
Please Message, call, or Email me with your name, phone number, and best times to call back if for some reason I can't answer immediately.
Have your questions ready for when I call.
One last thing, I sometimes take a day or two to return a call, don't worry I will call back.
FYI: Although my background is in computers I greatly prefer to talk in person VS emails, text or messaging when possible.(It's an old person thing)

Please note, as this is important! This opportunity is mostly a chance to have a great experience, have some adventures, find a bit of gold, and to learn than it is to make money and pay bills.
Although I expect a "very" good year based on all the testing and experience I've had over the last 12 years, there is no guarantee of a "large" amount of gold. (Contact me and ask for details on why I think good gold will be found this year)
Finding gold is easy, finding enough gold is the hard part.
If you need gold from the summer just to be there OR to get home, this may not be for you.
If you're not sure if this is for you contact me and I will be happy to discuss this opportunity to see if this will work for you.
Pictures listed below are from my claims or nearby areas or from one the many trips I made getting to and from Alaska over the past 14 years.

You can contact me at:

(Please note: Copy/paste will not work on contact info. Use pen and paper)

Pictures are from past years and are in no particular order.

Click HERE to see movie showing claims Dancy3 thru Dancy 6.
Movie starts at Dancy 3 and goes up river

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Click HERE to see movie showing claims Dancy7 thru Dancy 8.
Movie starts as Dancy 8 then goes down river to Dancy 7

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