A few Pictures from a Previous Trip to Alaska
we spend a summer around Chicken AK looking for gold

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How we will get around on the river .

Loaded and ready to go .

Start of ALCAN highway .

Views from the road .

Toad River lunch .

We made it ! .

Abandoned Bucket line dredge .

Unloading the Hover craft .

Launching the Hover craft .

Hovercraft parking area .

Our Dredge on the north fork claims .

Eagle Alaska .

Eagle IN Alaska .

Dredging for gold .

Found while walking in the woods. .

Down Town Chicken .

As view as we drove to Fairbanks .

Foggy morning at our camp .

Panning on the South Fork Claim .

Dredging in a different spot .

Clean up .

THE Gravel Bar .

Waiting for the flood waters to go down (This water is over 6 feet higher than normal for this spot) .

Cooool ! .